Jan. 22, 2024

Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs | Proverbs 2 Part 2

Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs | Proverbs 2 Part 2

Dave and Bethlie continue the series on Proverbs.  This is second second in a three part series on chapter 2 of Proverbs.  As teenagers they were both encouraged to read a Proverb a day.  That practice has continued into their...


Dave and Bethlie continue the series on Proverbs.  This is second second in a three part series on chapter 2 of Proverbs.  As teenagers they were both encouraged to read a Proverb a day.  That practice has continued into their adult lives.  In fact, Proverbs has become a cornerstone of their fmaily devotions and time for them to discuss, share ideas, and learn together.  

Take a look at the show notes below and follow along!

Part 2

Protecting ourselves and our kids from evil influences/friends

Proverbs 2:12

  1. The evil influence identified
    1. Illustration of a contractor who hides problems and covers errors and lies about it
      1. Especially if this person claims to believe
      1. This is a bad influence.
      2. Protect your kids from this
    1. v. 12 Speaks perverse things (twisted)
    2. v. 13 Always is doing wrong
    3. v. 14 Rejoices at things that are wicked
    4. v. 15 Always devious and crooked
  2. The steps that lead to protection
    1. Teach truth v. 11. Truth is the protector from all evil. - MacArthur
    2. Teach our kids to say NO
      1. 1:10
    3. Teach our kids to avoid
      1. 1:15
    4. Teach our kids to stand
    1. Change schools if need be
    2. Withdraw our kids from sports
    3. Set some things in stone
      1. It is ok to make a decision based on an uneasiness
        1. Better to be uneasy, act on it, and find out it was unwarranted
        2. That to be uneasy, let it go, and later wish you would have reacted
      1. No overnights
      2. No alone with other teens in a car
      3. No influence that makes you uneasy
      4. No contacts without your approval
      5. Little or no social media
      6. Little or no multi-player video games
    4. Keeping your kids “analog” very well may result in them entering adulthood without emotional baggage, with a happier more contented heart, and without a porn battle or full-blown addiction.
      1. Can’t use video games until you have finished homework, finished chores, had devotions, and walked or run at least 2 miles.
      2. Have them write a position paper and include a list of standards for time, accountability, and pre-determined breaks from everything.
      1. Never give a teen a smart watch
      2. Teach teens to earn privileges
      3. Show teens the better way
    1. Teach
    2. Remove our kids from these influences